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A member registered Apr 23, 2020

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I think momotarou?? i really want to see how his character develops he seems like he might have a villain arc, and he also seems to know dai?? lots of mysteries :)

thanks for the update! :)

same!! i'm so glad that other people are excited too! i hope hello boss can be a game that brings joy to the creators and lots of players! i'm very picky about love stories, so i'm glad i found a vn that really suits my taste :) whose route will you do first?

also, writing and art??? *chefs kiss*

ahhh this is so cool! i'm so curious about daisuke and momo! there's so many things i want to know! why does kou have a preferred name?? what is going through daisuke's mind as he makes such bold career choices?? what was that look in momo's eyes at the end?????? this is the first VN where i'm super invested into all of the routes. my gosh this is promising! i WILL be there for the full release

oh my goodness the writing made me smile and laugh so much! i noticed that the main charcater's name is maya, and her best friend's name is faye: is that a reference to maya fey from ace attorney? :eyes:

That was absolutely lovely!! This game completely captivated me, with a dramatic setting to beautiful music and dialogue. Highly recommended!

Ah! The music! The story! The darkness! The VILLAIN! My gosh what a lovely game!

Hello! I had trouble with that area too. It helped me when I reloaded my gun and positioned myself right in front of the heart before I shot the red sphere. This way, I can fire way more shots into the heart. It was a really satisfying defeat!

Wonderfully poignant and awesomely poetic. Amazing as always!! Thanks for making this, I loved it.